The program is intended for classical musicians who want to develop a different approach to their usual practice, temporarily relieve written materials and give freedom to their own creativity. This will be achieved through the integration of elements of the structure and musicianship suggestions. During the program, the work will be largely verbally oriented, with the aim of encouraging emotional, even the sensory side of listening in improvisation. The variety of elements will be used ranging from written themes to collective arrangements and free improvisation. Lessons will be daily divided into two parts: the morning group lessons will include 5 – 7 musicians with a mentor, and in the afternoon will participate all students together.

Sophia Domancich (France), jazz pianist and composer, gradueted in Conservatoire National de Paris, by winning first prize (piano, chamber music). As an piano accompanist she worked at the Paris Opera. In 1979, she has the first contact with jazz. Domancich has worked with many renowed musicians in various jazz and Big Band ensembles (Lumiére, L’Equip Out, Trio Davenport, Quartet Hors-Série). She has recorded 8 albums, the last in 2010 (Snakes & Ladders) and is the only woman winner of Prix Django Reinhardt

Simon Goubert (France), studied percussion at the music academies in Rennes and Versailles. His career as percussionist began with the ORTF’s (National French TV). He played in numerous successful ensembles and with distinguished musicians ((D.Lemerle, E.Barret). Out of the eight recorded albums, the last (Background) was published in 2008. He regularly performs with Sophia Dpmacich. The first and the only percussionist who has won the Prix Django Reinhardt.