Odsjek za konzervaciju-restauraciju Umjetničke akademije u Splitu, specijalističko usmjerenje za konzervaciju-restauraciju štafelajnih slika i polikromiranog drva, najavljuje teorijsku-praktičnu radionicu "Protective and supportive backings for paintings" koja će se održati od 19. do 21. ožujka 2018. pod vodstvom prof. Hansa Portsteffena i Petre Demuth (Technische Hochschule Köln, Institut für Restaurierungs und Konservierungswissenschaft) i seriju predavanja prof. Stefana Belishkog, predstojnika Odsjeka za konzervaciju-restauraciju Fakulteta primijenjenih umjetnosti Nacionalne umjetničke akademije u Sofiji i dopredsjednika Europske konfederacije konzervatorsko-restauratorskih udruga (E.C.C.O.), koja će se održati 21. i 22. ožujka 2018. Teorijski dio radionice "Protective and supportive backings for paintings" i predavanja prof. Belishkog otvoreni su za javnost. Sva će predavanja biti na engleskome jeziku. Praktični dio radionice "Protective and supportive backings for paintings" nije otvoren za javnost (nije se moguće prijaviti za sudjelovanje). Program organiziraju izv. prof. art. Jurica Matijević, doc. art. dr. sc. Sagita Mirjam Sunara i pred. Lana Kekez. PROGRAM 19. ožujka 2018. (ponedjeljak) 9.30-12.00 Teorijski dio radionice "Protective and supportive backings for paintings": poleđinska zaštita slika na drvu (Hans Portsteffen i Petra Demuth) 12.00-14.00 Pauza za ručak 14.00-17.00 Praktični dio radionice "Protective and supportive backings for paintings": poleđinska zaštita slika na drvu (Hans Portsteffen i Petra Demuth) 20. ožujka 2018. (utorak) 9.30-12.00 Teorijski dio radionice "Protective and supportive backings for paintings": poleđinska zaštita slika na tkanome nosiocu (Hans Portsteffen i Petra Demuth) 12.00-14.00 Pauza za ručak 14.00-17.00 Praktični dio radionice "Protective and supportive backings for paintings": poleđinska zaštita slika na tkanome nosiocu (Hans Portsteffen i Petra Demuth) 21. ožujka 2018. (srijeda) 9.30-12.00 Praktični dio radionice "Protective and supportive backings for paintings" i završna rasprava (Hans Portsteffen i Petra Demuth) 12.00-14.00 Pauza za ručak 14.00-15.00 Predavanje "The Department of Conservation at the National Academy of Art, Sofia" (Stefan Belishki) 15.15-16.15 Predavanje "Projects of the Department of Conservation at the National Academy of Art, Sofia" (Stefan Belishki) 22. ožujka 2018. (četvrtak) 11.00-12.00 Predavanje "E.C.C.O. - The European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organizations" (Stefan Belishki) 12.15-13.15 Predavanje "E.C.C.O.: Competences for Access to the Conservation-Restoration Profession" (Stefan Belishki) 13.15-14.00 Završna rasprava Suorganizator ovoga dijela programa je Hrvatsko restauratorsko društvo. 
O radionici "Protective and supportive backings for paintings"
The application of backing boards or inserts to the back of stretchers is a reversible, economical and effective preventive conservation measure for minimizing the risks of paintings. It is a standard procedure for protecting paintings either on textile or wooden support against the causes of degradation such as from dust and their environmental fluctuations -as well as vibrations- over time. The progress in in the development of rigid inserts during the last decades as an alternative to lining is evident. An overview over different historical backings as well as established and contemporary insert systems for paintings, employed by practicing conservators and institutions, is given. Next to the general physical aspects regarding humidity and temperature, the focus is on different case studies. “Open systems” as well as microclimate vitrines including glazing are discussed. A number of widely used as well as uncommon materials and systems is evaluated. The focus is on stretcher bar lining, different rigid boards, contact inserts such as polyester wadding as an additional support, lamination of different layers and the attachment of the backing systems within the stretcher. After the theoretical introduction, various backing materials and systems are demonstrated. A selection of backing systems will be prepared and attached to dummies and/or real paintings in the practical workshop with the participants. The working properties and economic factors of the different backing systems are easily identified. However, the knowledge about the long-term stability of the system´s components materials and their effectiveness for the preservation of the paintings in relation to climate fluctuations is limited. Although confronted with a set of complex parameters, the aim of course is to assist in developing guidelines for the selection of materials and systems. Hans Portsteffen & Petra Demuth