Institute of Fine Arts and Art Theory iz Egera u Mađarskoj uputio je poziv za sudjelovanje na izložbi nastavnicima i studentima naše Akademije.
Detalje o načinu sudjelovanjapogledajte u pismu kojeg su našoj ustanovi uputili profesori Instituta-domaćina Dániel Horváth, Tamás Kopasz i Zsolt Ferenczy:
"Dear Artists!
The Eszterházy Károly Catholic University's Institute of Fine Arts and Art Theory will organise an international exhibition of digital painting entitled DIGITAL PIGMENT in October 2023, with the intention of creating a tradition. The exhibition will be held at the Kepes Institute in Eger on 18 October 2023 as a highlight of the Hungarian Painting Day series of events. The exhibition will be hosted by the Institute of Fine Arts and Art Theory of the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University of Eger.
Invited guests include teachers and students from Croatian (Umjetnicka Akademija u Splitu), Polish (University of Rzeszow), Montenegrin (University of Montenegro) universities, as well as contemporary Hungarian artists.
The curators of the exhibition are Dr. Habil Zsolt Ferenczy and Dr Dániel Horváth, lecturers and painters at the EKKE KMI.
We would like to invite you to participate with student and lecturer works (15 works per institution) in the international exhibition of contemporary digital painting. There are no thematic criteria.
We expect one work from each artist, including the series in one file, maximum size 100x100 cm.
The host institution will print the artwork in a maximum size of 100x100 cm.
Parameters of the files to be sent:
SIZE: minimum 6000 pixels, but if possible 10 000 pixels high (the width will be determined by the format
of the image)
OUTPUT: - JPG / JPEG (CMYK composite), minimum 150, maximum 300 DPI resolution, minimum 150,
maximum 300 DPI resolution!
Please send the files of the works to be exhibited to the following address: by 1. October 2023.
Dániel Horváth, Tamás Kopasz, and Zsolt Ferenczy,
Eger, 07.09.2023."